International Dating & Marriage Agency "Romantica"
International  Dating & Marriage Agency Romantica International Dating & Marriage Agency Romantica

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International Dating & Marriage Agency Romantica

7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, AZ 85020
(602) 553-8178
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Stone Women

Most inhabitants of the city and visitors know and like the distinctive features of the small square near the Museum of History - the place where the Stony Women stay (which actually are not females...). The visitors are amazed with the centuries-old natives - their oval forms. They were ancient creations of the steppe nomadic people and are a modular collection from neighboring barrows. In the past they served as the index points for the steppe inhabitants. The first century of the new era was marked by fast inhabitation of the Dnieper River banks by Slavic tribes. The rocks of Monastyrskiy Island remember well the first time Slavs floated down the Dnieper River to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. On this island in the IX century the Monastery was founded by Byzantian monks (from it the island received its name). It existed until 1240 when it was destroyed by Tatars. The Dnieper River has for many centuries served as a border between East and West and its banks have served as arena of struggle between the Slavs and the Asian nomads. This situation continued for many centuries until the XV century when there appeared a new force - the free people - Cossacks - Zaporiz'ki Kazaky (Zaporizhya - the lands south of Prydniprovye, translate as "The Land After the Weirs [Rapids]")...

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